I use quikmaps to blog maps. It is great. But recently I was wondering how to embed a map simply writing a tag in my posts. Something like <geolink></geolink>. Then I realized that I can. The rationale is to insert in the HTML a tag with geo coordinates and zoom level. See the text below. The links are not "simple" links they are somehow geolinks.
Click the green links!
I went to Italy where I visited the beautiful city of Rome. Then I took a plane to reach the town of Cagliari where I spen most of my time in the Poetto beach.
It is nice. Isn't it?
Now let's see how it works. Insert in your blogger template the followings:
<!-- geolink style -->
<style type="text/css">
color: green;
text-decoration: underline;
<!-- geolink style END-->
and also
<!--geolink code-->
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://opensource.crs4.it/geolink/mappe.js"></script>
<!--geolink code END-->
Now it is time to write your post. In the html you can write your text and then insert a sentence like:
...I went to <span class="geolink" onclick="center(this);" lat="42" lon="12.5" zoom="9">Rome</span>
As you see the *span* element contains some extra attributes like:
- lat
- lon
- zoom
Now don't forget to place in your blog post also the iframe tag which will display the map.
<iframe name="map" style="width: 550px; height: 350px;" src=""></iframe>
That's all. Too simplistic? It works, at least for me.